
Monday, September 10, 2012

On Hobbits and running

On hobbits
I have been thinking an awful lot about Hobbits lately.  Firstly, because I am hobbit-sized and still haven't recovered from my love of the shire.  Secondly, because I am very excited for the movie to come out in December.

Please enjoy yet more photographs of the accountant and I in front of Bilbo Baggins's house. I can only assume we were seconds away from Bilbo meeting Gandalf at the door when these photographs were taken.

On running
The other day I ran the farthest I have ever run, 14 miles.  This is pretty awesome until you realise that I have signed up for a marathon and have to add 12 more miles to that.  At any rate, as I was running, I thought of Samwise Gamgee and how he said, "If I take one more step, it'll be the farthest away from home I've ever been."  In reality, I can't really get much further from home than New Zealand, but sometimes I feel like tackling this marathon is a bit like trying to get a ring of power to Mt Doom.  There are no nazgul or orcs in training for a marathon but there are rainstorms, cars that don't yield to runners, and the unfortunate realisation that you need to pee when you have 8 more miles to go.

Running is hard. Really hard. Most days I ask myself why the hell I keep going after this ridiculous goal.  I guess I just remember that not too long ago I couldn't run around the block without getting winded and now I'm running a half marathon regularly as part of training.  

Moral of the story:


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