
Friday, October 28, 2011

Utah - Dad's Birthday Party

The after party group

Dory and Shoji
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Utah - Dad's Birthday



Danny & Camila

My Dad showing the party how the Haka is done

Happy Birthday Dad!

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Utah - Dad's Birthday

Peppo the fat cat


Mom and Ron

Kyong and Dad

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Utah - Back Roads to Bear Lake

Standing on top of the sink hole drain at the Peter Sinks

Mom, Me, Dalin

Mom & Dad

Mike and I

Sink Hole drain, this area sees the coldest temperatures in the lower 48

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Utah - Back roads to Bear Lake

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Exercise....or something like it.

I have recently embarked on a world of 6.30am workouts, distance runs, and NOT eating chicken McNuggets. For those who know me, this is somewhat of a big deal, especially the NOT eating McNuggets bit. Other than feeling like I was hit by a train every morning, and walking like a gimp, it seems to be going pretty well.

In my third week at this whole early morning bit, here are a few things I have learned:

2. It's no wonder my parents never let me do dance (I once wanted to be a ballerina and a brain surgeon, simultaneosly). I am quite possibly one of the most uncoordinated people you will ever have the pleasure of seeing in a step class. I just don't get all of the cha-cha, kickball chain, run across the top of the step. Honestly, I think my legs are simply too short to dash across a step in two leaps and bounds.

3. I'm glad I'm not this girl:
Anonymous asked: Those girls in motivational pictures look so perfect while running. When I try to run after five minutes I look like a beetroot and sweatier than a player after a world cup final. Also, I have have this belly fat like lots of it thast moves together with my boobs and that discourages me from running because it's so uncomfortable. But I would love to run, when I read how well people feel after it, I have never felt like that because I am always lazy and fat and I just lie in bed.

Okay, so I am kind of like this girl, especially because I would much rather be sleeping and being lazy than exercising but, Mike forces me to be active :(

I now have a new obsession for following fitness blogs, and I think, hey it's better than smoking crack. I find these blogs to be a plethora of both inspiration and resentment... I can only look at pictures of sweaty girls with six packs for so long until I have a strong desire to drown my sorrows in a six pack of krispy kreme donuts (good thing they don't have that here).

In reality I am proud of myself for sticking to the early mornings, even if it has only been three weeks, and I'm lucky to have made such fit friends (Jess & Sarah) who keep me motivated. I hope you all find yourselves getting fit too.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Our life in 3 minutes and 55 seconds

Thanks to all who have shared in our life.

*All wedding photos courtesy of Sharon Johnson Photography*

Saturday, September 3, 2011


The other night I had my first experience of Bikram yoga with my friend Sarah. For those who don't know, Bikram yoga is yoga done in 100 degrees (F). I was admittedly quite reluctant about this experience initially, since I am prone to nausea...or so I say, in order to get gummy bears and sprite out of Mike.
Once you get past the heat and hairy armpits (since Bikram yoga tends to attract the more, shall I say, all natural ladies), Bikram yoga is actually a really awesome experience. According to a series of websites I perused, *cough*Wikipedia*cough*, there are many health benefits to exercising in the high heat.
If you are thinking of doing yoga here are some pointers:
  • drink a bucket of water, a literal bucket of water
  • bring a towel, a full sized beach towel, this is necessary and you will not only need the towel but you will get made fun of if you do not
  • drink a ton of water after the class and the next day