
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunny Sunday

Mike spent yet ANOTHER weekend working...sigh. Fortunately, the Auckland weather gods took a break from their usual dreariness and today was a beautifully sunny, cardigan perfect day. I took a short walk to round up some remnants for various packages and photo-documented the trip.

Little arbor window on high street

The Ferry building
Britomart (the train station)
Bakery I was going to eat at, but didn't. I like how the kid looks like a statue in this photograph.

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Sunny Sunday

Chancery Street
Awesome shop full of awesomeness (lots of "handmade" goods from around the world
The Vault, for all your kiwiana needs
Queen Street
Queen's Arcade, this is my faux photographer look
The London Lolly Shop, unfortunately there was an Asian mob in there so I had to grab my lollies and run.
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Sunny Sunday

The temptation to steal this moto was overwhelming... I resisted.
Where I work, isn't it stately? tehe
Building with expensive things. It has been posted previously, a number of times.
All Blacks signage on Westfield...there is a lot of manliness on that wall.
Queen Street, construction and all.
Shortland Street, I was informed that the soap opera is not filmed anywhere on this street, how misleading.
Old building.
Cool glass street performer, I see a career change in my near future.
Vulcan Street
Interesting thing-a-ma-jig in Chancery
Naughty children playing in a fountain
Statue of some man that I can only assume is important. He looks Russian.
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Friday, July 22, 2011

I wear a demeanour made of bright, pretty things


I love music, much to the dismay of my neighbours and Mike.

When I was little my sisters and I would clean the house with my mom while she blared the Police, Carpenters and Abba. Hearing those songs still reminds me of her making us scrub moulding, and shoving an impressive amount of stuff under our bed to prove our room was clean.

Music also reminds me of my dad sitting in a recliner and listening to Bach. It was so loud we had to yell at him to get his attention.

New Zealand, you have some good artists case and point: Brooke Fraser.

I just downloaded....bought her album. Quite talented.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A quarter for your thoughts

Happy Birthday To You!

"Today you are you!
That is truer than true!
There is no one alive...

...who is you-er than you!
Shout loud, “I am lucky
to be what I am!
Thank goodness I’m not
just a clam or a ham
Or a dusty old jar of
sour gooseberry jam!
I am what I am! That’s a
great thing to be!
If I say so myself,

I feel like 25 should be a milestone, but more than that 25 is well, just 25. It is as though I have finally crossed the bridge into adulthood. However, even adulthood can't prevent me from crawling out of bed at 10:30 and eating a bowl of cereal and watching cartoons on Saturday mornings (much to Mike's dismay). Adulthood doesn't do anything but make you question every decision, and constantly wonder if you could have, should have, would have. Unfortunately musing about the past doesn't do a whole lot of good, so I have made my future plan.

My 25 for 25 list (in no particular order)
  1. write a book, a novel, a collection of short stories, doesn't really matter...
  2. see Europe, in real life, not just on google
  3. learn to arrive five minutes early...particularly for work
  4. run a marathon
  5. take a photography class
  6. learn to drink red wine (out of a vase, like on Cougartown)
  7. master Spanish
  8. go to the Louvre
  9. learn to swim
  10. go to NYC for NYE
  11. sky dive
  12. climb to the top of Fern's Nipple in Capital Reef, with my Dad
  13. learn how to decorate cakes/cupcakes
  14. go to Alaska
  15. master the ukulele
  16. learn to take life by the horns, like my Dad
  17. get a puppy and smother it with love
  18. learn to love deeply and fearlessly, like my Mom
  19. watch the sunrise
  20. learn how to sew, and actually make stuff
  21. get a place that Mike and I can call our own
  22. continue to cry at the scene in Up where Ellie can't make it up the hill anymore
  23. play my violin, and never stop playing it (it's getting a little dusty)
  24. never lose a sense of adventure and a desire to learn
  25. never forget where I came from, but always remember that wherever I go, there I am.
I hope to always be the little girl on my grandma's porch in the green dress, the yellow glasses and the pig tails. No matter how complicated life seems, no matter how overwhelming things can get, I hope I always remember that life really is just as simple as a summer day on your grandma's porch.

My Favorite Commercial

I am usually a sucker for the commercials with the cute, cuddly kittens, the catchy theme song or the previews for the next episode of America's Next Top Model. Feminine hygiene commercials just do not interest me, and more often than not they are awkward. There are just some things that cannot be made to appear cool...well until this Libra commercial graced my television.

Hopefully this makes you laugh as much as it made me (and Mike) laugh.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mike's Airplane Ride

I have been meaning to put these photos up for a month now, unfortunately I have been distracted by baking cupcakes, painting nails, and wondering how Vin Diesel fit his pecs into a polo shirt.

Since I am an unbelievably awesome wife, I bought Mike an airplane ride for his birthday. New Zealand seems obsessed with one-day deals, (obsessions in New Zealand is an exciting topic for a future post) and a plethora of activities can always be found on one of these sites. At any rate, Mike got to take two friends with him, and even got to fly the plane (or rather co-pilot the airplane).








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